Monday, September 4, 2017

Elder Ronald A. Rasband on establishing a pattern of temple worship

Elder Ronald A. Rasband (b. February 6, 1951) served as a Seventy beginning in 2000.  He was the senior president of the Seventy when he was called to the Quorum of Twelve Apostles in October 2015.
"I would recommend to you today that temple worship is an important pattern for each of you to set—individually and as families—as you consider your own areas of focus and attention, as you put in place firm foundations in your life....
"The First Presidency has issued an invitation to all the members of the Church, which certainly applies to you and me:
"'Where time and circumstances permit, members are encouraged to replace some leisure activities with temple service. . . .
"'All of the ordinances which take place in the House of the Lord become expressions of our belief in that fundamental and basic doctrine of the immortality of the human soul. As we redouble our efforts and our faithfulness in going to the temple, the Lord will bless us.' [Letter from the First Presidency, 11 March 2003; in 'Encouraging Temple Worthiness and Preparation,' Ensign, June 2003, 76, and in Ensign, March 2004, 45]
"As we, my young friends, consider righteous patterns that we want to establish in our lives, we all would be well to continue remembering this admonition from the First Presidency.
"May we also consider the promised blessings by prophets, seers, and revelators as we faithfully attend the temple....
"The statement on the outside facade of every temple reads: 'Holiness to the Lord / The House of the Lord.' I testify that all of the temples of the Lord are His sanctuaries here upon the earth. I invite all of you to attend more frequently, as your circumstances permit, and claim your blessings and protections that have been promised to you by prophets of God."
- Ronald A. Rasband, "Making Temple Worship a Pattern in Your Life," BYU Devotional, Feb 10, 2009
Click here to read or listen to the full talk

The idea of setting patterns in life is one that all of us can consider and implement, whether we are young students in the university (where these remarks were addressed) or in a very different stage of life. Elder Rasband encouraged a pattern of temple worship as a key to personal progress and stability, as individuals and families.

It has now been 14 years since the First Presidency invited members of the Church to "replace some leisure activities with temple service" where possible. We are periodically reminded of that invitation, and it's good for us each to consider how well we have heeded the counsel. The invitation was followed by this promise we should all desire to claim: "As we redouble our efforts and our faithfulness in going to the temple, the Lord will bless us."

Elder Rasband uses the word sanctuary to describe the temples. In a troubled and difficult world, it's a place of refuge and refreshment. We truly should go often, go regularly and frequently, and claim the promised blessings.

(Compilation and commentary by David Kenison, Orem, Utah, 2017)

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