Saturday, November 7, 2020

Elder Ronald A. Rasband on temples and the doctrine of Christ

Elder Ronald A. Rasband (born February 6, 1951) served as a Seventy beginning in 2000.  He was the senior president of the Seventy when he was called to the Quorum of Twelve Apostles in October 2015.
"By assignment from President Russell M. Nelson, in February of this year I dedicated the Durban South Africa Temple. It was a day I will remember all my life. I was with members who have come to the gospel as Jeremiah prophesied long ago—'one of a city, and two of a family' (Jeremiah 3:14). The doctrine of Jesus Christ unites all of us—around the world—as sons and daughters of God, as brothers and sisters in the gospel. Regardless of how we look or dress, we are one people with a Father in Heaven whose plan from the beginning was and is for His family to be reunited by making and keeping sacred temple covenants.

"To a small gathering of priesthood holders in a schoolhouse in Kirtland, Ohio, in 1834, the Prophet Joseph prophesied, 'It is only a little handfull of Priesthood you see here tonight, but this Church will fill North and South America—it will fill the world.'"

- Ronald A. Rasband, "Fulfillment of Prophecy," General Conference April 2020, Sunday morning

The "doctrine of Christ" is a powerful aspect of the Gospel that merits much study as we strive to draw nearer to Him. It is also a great "unifying" power to bring us together into His fold, as brothers and sisters, from throughout the world. Through the covenants of the holy temples, we learn and experience important aspects of that sacred doctrine.
Elder Rasband's witness of the latter-day fulfillment of ancient prophecy helps point us to the doctrine of Christ. They have all testified of Him, and as we learn of those testimonies and strive to follow prophetic teachings, making and keeping sacred covenants, we will be blessed.

(Compilation and commentary by David Kenison, Orem, Utah, 2020)

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