Monday, November 9, 2020

Elder Dale G. Renlund on remembering the goodness of God

Elder Dale G. Renlund (born November 13, 1952) served in the First Quorum of Seventy starting in 2009, until his call to the Quorum of Twelve in October 2015.
"The consistency of pleas from prophets to reflect on the goodness of God is striking. Our Heavenly Father wants us to recall His and His Beloved Son’s goodness, not for Their own gratification but for the influence such remembrance has on us. By considering Their kindness, our perspective and understanding are enlarged. By reflecting on Their compassion, we become more humble, prayerful, and steadfast....

"Each of us has received gifts that we could not provide for ourselves, gifts from our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son, including redemption through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We have received life in this world; we will receive physical life in the hereafter, and eternal salvation and exaltation—if we choose it—all because of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

"Every time we use, benefit from, or even think of these gifts, we ought to consider the sacrifice, generosity, and compassion of the givers. Reverence for the givers does more than just make us grateful. Reflecting on Their gifts can and should transform us."

- Dale G. Renlund, "Consider the Goodness and Greatness of God," General Conference April 2020, Saturday afternoon

Elder Renlund's talk in the April 2020 conference was beautiful and inspiring. He shared the story of a man with heart disease who desperately needed a transplant; when a heart became available, it was from his own grandson who had died in a car accident. Having received the life-giving donation from one he loved dearly, he became a changed man.

The lesson for us is in coming to recognize the great gifts we have received from God. Elder Renlund describes the changes we will experience as we remember those gifts and allow them to direct our thoughts and lives.

Understanding and gratitude of the divine gifts we have received will truly transform us. As we feel the power of the Savior's atonement in our lives, we will truly become new creeatures in His hands.

(Compilation and commentary by David Kenison, Orem, Utah, 2020)

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