Thursday, December 8, 2016

President Brigham Young on living close to the Lord's Spirit

President Brigham Young (1801-1877) was part of the first Quorum of Twelve Apostles of this dispensation, called and ordained in 1835. He served as the second Church president, succeeding Joseph Smith, from 1847 until his death in 1877.
"If you live near to God, and every moment have your minds filled with fervent desires to keep the law of God, you will understand the Spirit that comes to you; you will know how to build up the Lord's kingdom, and increase in every good thing; and it will be one continual scene of rejoicing instead of mourning....
"The persons who enjoy that Spirit are never sorrowful nor cast down. They never endure afflictions and mourn because they suppose that they have sacrificed for the Gospel, but they are always joyful, always cheerful, with a happy smile on their faces, and, as brother Robert said, it does make the devil mad. That is true, it makes him mad that he cannot afflict this people so as to make them have a sad countenance.
"When you come across those who have a wonderful sight of trouble, trouble with their wives and with their neighbors, it is those who do not live their religion. Those who have the Spirit of their religion feel hope bound in their feelings, and have a word of comfort for themselves, their families, and their neighbors, and all is right with them. Let us make the building up of the kingdom of heaven our first and only interest, and all will be well, sure."
- Brigham Young, discourse in the Bowery, Great Salt Lake City, March 29, 1857; see JD 4:299
Click here to read the full talk

Those who learn to "live near to God" with "minds filled with fervent desires to keep the law of God" discover the truth of this principle, one that President Young taught regularly: there is great joy in righteous living. The Spirit that comes from God blesses and enriches, bringing strength and perspective to life.

The last statement provides an appropriate summary of the process that leads to the joyful life: "Let us make the building up of the kingdom of heaven our first and only interest, and all will be well, sure."

1 comment:

  1. A great man. Without his heroic effort to lead the Saints west, we may not of had a Church.


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