Saturday, December 24, 2016

Elder Ronald A. Rasband on worshipping at Christmas

Elder Ronald A. Rasband (b. 1951) served as a Seventy beginning in 2000.  He was the senior president of the Seventy when he was called to the Quorum of Twelve Apostles in October 2015.
"Imagine that scene in Judea—the sky filled with the brilliance of a magnificent star and choruses from heaven marking this singular event. The shepherds then went 'with haste' (Luke 2:16) to see the babe lying in a manger. And later they 'made known abroad' (Luke 2:17) what they had seen.
"Each year at Christmas we add our witness to that of the shepherds that Jesus Christ, the literal Son of the living God, came to a corner of the earth in what we call the Holy Land. 
"The shepherds reverently approached the stable to worship the King of kings. How will we worship Him this season? Endlessly shopping? Hustling about and adorning our homes? Will that be our tribute to our Savior? Or will we bring peace to troubled hearts, good will to those in need of higher purpose, glory to God in our willingness to do His bidding? Jesus put it simply: 'Come, [and] follow me' (Luke 18:22)."
- Ronald A. Rasband, "Glory to God," First Presidency Christmas Devotional, December 8, 2013
Click here to read or listen to the full talk

What a powerful experience those humble Judean shepherds had, as they heard announcements from heavenly messengers! They were so deeply touched that they left their accustomed and assigned duties "with haste." One wonders what happened to the sheep under their care. Did some stay behind to watch? Were their heavenly guardians at hand filling in? Regardless, the record says the shepherds quickly made their way to the stable and manger, and then afterwards were eager to share the joyous news of what they had learned and experienced.

As we consider the example of those shepherds, we are led to ask ourselves, as Elder Rasband suggests: what is our method of worship as we enjoy the Christmas season?

The best worship clearly is emulation, following the teachings and example of service, sharing the message of hope and love.

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