Saturday, October 24, 2015

Hugh B. Brown on the value of time

Elder Hugh B. Brown (October 24, 1883–December 2, 1975) was called as an Assistant to the Twelve in 1953, then as an apostle in 1958.  He served as a counselor to President David O. McKay from 1961 until President McKay's death in 1970, then for five more years as a member of the Quorum of Twelve until he passed away.
"Learn the true value of time. Seize, snatch, and enjoy every minute of it, for it is limited unto each individual. Live today! Jesus pointed the way when he said, 'Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.' (Matt. 6:34.) We must resolve to live one day at a time, and live that one day to the full. Resolve also that we will extract from every experience of this day something that will make us wiser, happier, more efficient.
"Whatever the individual measure of goodness may be, few men or women wish to be regarded as negligible ciphers in life. What they want is not wealth or pleasure, as such, but the opportunity for rich activity. It is possible to create happiness out of today's work with all its demands, antagonisms, obstacles, disappointments. This requires a resolute heart, a fixed purpose, a mind in control of itself.
"No man wants life to be flat and tasteless. If one's life is to be abundant rather than barren, he must be eternally becoming. Life's dividends are determined by the nature of man's daily investments. A full and rich life is where there is 'a sound mind in a sound body, controlled by a God-filled soul.'"
- Hugh B. Brown, "What Do You Want out of Life?", New Era, November 1972, p. 5
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Wise counsel: "Seize, snatch, and enjoy every minute" of our limited time in life! I love this approach to energized, motivated life: "We must resolve to live one day at a time, and live that one day to the full. Resolve also that we will extract from every experience of this day something that will make us wiser, happier, more efficient."

"If one's life is to be abundant rather than barren, he must be eternally becoming."  Beautiful and profound.

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