Monday, October 26, 2015

David O. McKay on spiritual radiation

President David O. McKay (1873-1970) was called to the Quorum of Twelve Apostles in 1906.  He served as a counselor in the First Presidency to Heber J. Grant and George Albert Smith beginning in 1945, then then as the president of the Church from 1951 to his death in 1970 at age 96.
"The Savior set us the example, always calm, always controlled, radiating something that the people could feel as they passed—the woman who touched his garment is an example. He felt something go from him, that radiation which is divine.
"Every man and every person who lives in this world wields an influence, whether for good or for evil. It is not alone what he says, it is not alone what he does—it is what he is. Every man, every person radiates what he or she is.
"Every person is a recipient of radiation. The Savior was conscious of that. Whenever he came into the presence of an individual, he sensed that radiation—whether it was the woman of Samaria with her past life; whether it was the woman who was to be stoned, or the men who were to stone her; whether it was the statesman Nicodemus, or one of the lepers. He was conscious of the radiation from the individual. And to a degree so are you, and so am I. It is what we are and what we radiate that affects the people around us."
- David O. McKay, Improvement Era 69 (1966):270-271

My memories of President McKay are that he exemplified this message. He too radiated calmness, peace, and faith. He radiated what he was.

And we are the recipients of the "radiation" of those around us. How important to surround ourselves with those who can give us strength and help in the most important ways!

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