Friday, May 15, 2015

Henry B. Eyring on the companionship and inspiration of the Holy Ghost

President Henry B. Eyring (1933- ) served in the Presiding Bishopric from 1985-1992, as a Seventy from 1992-1995, then was called to the Quorum of Twelve Apostles. He has served in the First Presidency since 2007.

This excerpt is from his address in the Priesthood session of the most recent general conference:
"As a priesthood holder, you are to be part of the warning voice of the Lord. But you need to heed the warning yourself. You will not survive spiritually without the protection of the companionship of the Holy Ghost in your daily life.
"You must pray for it and work to have it. Only with that guide will you be able to find your way along the strait and narrow path through the mists of evil. The Holy Ghost will be your guide as He reveals truth when you study the words of prophets.
"Getting that guidance will take more than casual listening and reading. You will need to pray and work in faith to put the words of truth down into your heart. You must pray that God will bless you with His Spirit, that He will lead you into all truth and show you the right way. That is how He will warn and guide you into the right path in your life."
- Henry B. Eyring, "Priesthood and Personal Prayer," General Conference, April 2015; see Ensign, May 2015, pp. 84-87
Click here to read the full talk
Many of the recent messages of Church leaders include encouragement to greater devotion and faithfulness. President Eyring spoke to Priesthood holders about that topic, linking their ability to serve effectively in the Priesthood with their personal prayers and other acts of devotion. The principles apply all members as we strive to draw on the powers of heaven for strength, guidance, and protection:

This final reminder that there is effort required to claim the blessing and reward should get our attention and lead us to evaluate our personal lives:

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