Friday, March 27, 2015

Neal A. Maxwell on the daughters of Zion

Elder Neal A. Maxwell (1926-2004) served as a Seventy from 1976-1981, then as a member of the Quorum of Twelve until his death from cancer in 2004.
"The daughters of the world may grow more shrill, more hard, more selfish, and less motherly—but the faithful daughters of Zion will be ladies of light; they will be elect because they have elected to follow in the footsteps of the faithful women of God who have existed in all dispensations of time. That we know less than we would like of these marvelous women of God should fill us with anticipation for the day when there will be a fulness of their record before us, a part of all that God will yet reveal.
"Service less reported is service still. Contributions are never really measured in column inches of coverage in newspapers or even in the scriptures. Indeed, their deferred recognition only mirrors faintly the quiet queenliness of One we shall meet and greet when we leave 'this frail existence.'"
- Neal A. Maxwell, "Wherefore, Ye Must Press Forward", pp. 80-81

Elder Maxwell often contrasted the world's approach or philosophy with the Gospel version. In this case, he looks at the "daughters of the world" compared to the "daughters of Zion." The divergence he predicts (as have other Church leaders) is often apparent today. This is a wonderful vision for the faithful daughters:

Even though the contributions of the "marvelous women of God" are often less visible and less noted, they are profoundly significant in the eternal sense, where "deferred recognition" will truly make them known. This principle applies not just to women, but to all who serve quietly and faithfully in less prominent ways.

We should be grateful that the worldly records of contributions and worldly recognition for them are relatively insignificant in eternity!

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