Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Elder Gerrit W. Gong on welcoming and supporting each other

Elder Gerrit W. Gong (born December 23, 1953) was called as a Seventy in April 2010, then to the Presidency of the Seventy in October 2015. He was sustained to the Quorum of Twelve Apostles in April 2018.
"Jesus Christ invites us to become, like Him, a good Samaritan, to make His Inn (His Church) a refuge for all from life’s bruises and storms. We prepare for His promised Second Coming as each day we do unto 'the least of these' (Matt 25:40) as we would unto Him. 'The least of these' is each of us....

"Our Good Samaritan promises to return. Miracles occur when we care for each other as He would. When we come with broken hearts and contrite spirits, we can find voice in Jesus Christ and be encircled in His understanding arms of safety. Sacred ordinances offer covenant belonging and 'the power of godliness' (D&C 84:20) to sanctify inner intent and outward action. With His loving-kindness and long-suffering, His Church becomes our Inn.

"As we create room in His Inn, welcoming all, our Good Samaritan can heal us on our dusty mortal roads. With perfect love, our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, promise 'peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come' (D&C 59:23)—'that where I am ye shall be also' (D&C 132:23)."

- Gerrit W. Gong, "Room in the Inn," General Conference April 2021, Saturday morning

When the "Good Samaritan" was caring for the stranger on the road, he provided the initial care that he could, but then took his new acquaintance to an inn where he could get additional care and attention. He promised to return and pay for any expenses incurred. That's an important part of the story, emphasized by Elder Gong in this address. The inn is a symbolic place where care can be obtained and healing can occur. In Elder Gong's interpretation, the inn is likened to the Church, and we should be aware of opportunities to care for the wounded and promost healing.

When we treat one another with true Christ-like love and concern, "miracles occur." That is the real beauty of the Church. We can be instruments in the Savior's plan to help facilitate His Atonement's blessings in the lives of those who need it most! 

(Compilation and commentary by David Kenison, Orem, Utah, 2021)

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