Sunday, September 2, 2018

Elder David B. Haight on how the love of God blesses our lives

Elder David B. Haight (born Sept 2, 1906, died July 31, 2004) was sustained as a member of the Quorum of Twelve in 1976. He passed away at age 97, four days after attending the funeral of his colleague Neal A. Maxwell.  He was the oldest person to have served as an apostle in this dispensation.
"Love is a gift of God, and as we obey His laws and genuinely learn to serve others, we develop God’s love in our lives.
"Love of God is the means of unlocking divine powers which help us to live worthily and to overcome the world.
"The worldly methods of promoting great causes were discarded by the Savior. Money to buy influence—He had none. Publications—He never used. The sword was contrary to His purposes. The people of His own nation disowned Him. He planted His ideals in the hearts of only a few. They were mostly poor; but they met, listened, prayed, and believed in His words. As taught by the Master, they went among other men and by act and word passed on the new ideals, by love unfeigned and by friendship, not by force; and so the work spread.
"God accomplishes His purposes heart to heart."
- David B. Haight, "Love All," General Conference October 1982
Click here to read or listen to the full talk

The love of God is a fascinating concept to study and ponder—both the love He has for us, and the God-like love that we attempt to express to Him and to others. Elder Haight reminds us that we receive His love as a gift; we develop the capacity to love through obedience and service to others:

We are blessed more than we realize as we experience His love in our personal life, and as we learn to share and express it with those around us. Learning to "unlock divine powers" is truly a remarkable gift.

(Compilation and commentary by David Kenison, Orem, Utah, 2018)

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