Sunday, April 29, 2018

Elder Gary E. Stevenson on maintaining balance in life's challenges

Elder Gary E. Stevenson (b. August 5, 1955) was called as a Seventy in 2008, then as Presiding Bishop in 2012. He was called as a member of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles in October 2015.
"In the midst of your very personal and diverse needs, to balance life's pursuits and challenges along with your spirituality, you will come to realize that balance is achievable. The Lord does not require you to do something that you cannot accomplish....
"Brothers and Sisters, as daunting as keeping this balance may seem, let me promise you, one of the greatest miracles of your mortal existence, given your appropriate focus and effort will be your ability to find balance between your spirituality and your other important life roles. This will take place in a way that will not just maintain your spirituality and life’s important roles at status quo, but will allow you to grow and develop in both of these very important areas.
"The main reason this is possible is because the Lord is the fulcrum. He is the absolute center point of balance. And He has divine interest in each one of you personally as one of His children. Please note that this outcome is predicated on your appropriate focus and effort to find balance.
"From my observation and personal experience, it seems that we have a tendency throughout our life to tip more heavily one way or the other. To remain balanced in our lives requires our constant effort and care. Actively choose to stay steady."
- Gary E. Stevenson, "A Gospel Perspective," BYU-Hawaii devotional, September 19, 2017
Click here to read or listen to the full talk

How do we find balance in life, particularly when both spiritual and temporal demands compete for time and attention in a very busy life? Elder Stevenson promises that it is possible, but he uses the word "miracle" to describe the process of achieving that balance. And of course, miracles occur when the Savior is at the center of the challenge:

It does, of course, require our participation and focus in order to realize that miracle. Elder Stevenson counsels that we must "actively choose to stay steady" as we balance on that fulcrum. But the great key is to find, and focus on, the Lord as the balance point in our lives.

(Compilation and commentary by David Kenison, Orem, Utah, 2018)

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