Monday, October 30, 2017

Elder M. Russell Ballard on the essential habits of conversion

Elder M. Russell Ballard (born October 8, 1928) was called as a Seventy in 1976, and has served as a member of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles since 1985.
"The Lord outlined simple, personal habits that keep us rooted, grounded, and connected to Him. Such habits, when done with full purpose of heart, real intent, and without hypocrisy and deception, allow us to be unwavering disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
"These essential habits include the things that seem to easily slip away in the rush of our very busy lives, even when we are engaged in good things like pursuing an education, working to support a family, and involving ourselves in community and Church service.
"They include sincere daily prayer, faithful fasting, regular study and pondering of the scriptures and the words of the living prophets, making the Sabbath day a delight, partaking of the sacrament with humility and always remembering the Savior, worshipping in the temple as often as possible, and, finally, reaching out to the needy, poor, and lonely—both those close by and across the world.
"When someone stops doing these simple but essential things, they cut themselves from the well of living water and allow Satan to muddle their thinking. Sin and guilt cloud the mind—leading them to deny past inspiration and revelation and causing a 'de-conversion' from the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ."
- M. Russell Ballard, "To the Saints in the Utah South Area," broadcast to the 235 stakes in the Utah South Area on September 13, 2015
Click here to read the full talk

While these remarks were shared with a subset of the Church (members living in the Utah South Area), the principles Elder Ballard shares are insightful and generally applicable. It's good to review and ponder the simple, basic, personal habits that will "keep us rooted, grounded, and connected" to God in our time.

Elder Ballard mentions seven specific things:
  • sincere daily prayer
  • faithful fasting
  • regular study and pondering of the scriptures and the words of the living prophets
  • making the Sabbath day a delight
  • partaking of the sacrament with humility and always remembering the Savior
  • worshiping in the temple as often as possible
  • reaching out to the needy, poor, and lonely—both those close by and across the world
These seven simple practices truly can transform us as we make them "habits of conversion."

I think the idea of "de-conversion" is important to ponder. Just as we can be converted to the gospel, Elder Ballard warns that we can be de-converted from it. As we fail to do the simple things that keep us focused and growing, we:

  • are cut off from the well of living water
  • allow Satan to muddle our thinking
  • begin to see sin and guilt cloud our mind
  • are led to deny past inspiration and revelation

I'm grateful for the reminder of how much impact the simple "essential habits" can have in my life!

(Compilation and commentary by David Kenison, Orem, Utah, 2017)

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