Saturday, October 22, 2016

Gary E. Stevenson on blessings from the Book of Mormon

Elder Gary E. Stevenson (b. 1955) was called as a Seventy in 2008, then as Presiding Bishop in 2012. He was called as a member of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles in October 2015.
"Each of you can also receive a personal witness of this book! Do you realize that the Book of Mormon was written for you—and for your day? This book is one of the blessings of living in what we call the dispensation of the fulness of times. Although the Book of Mormon was written by inspired, ancient authors—many of whom were prophets—they and the people of their day did not have the benefit of possessing the whole book. You now have easily within your reach the sacred record that prophets, priests, and kings treasured, embraced, and preserved! You have the benefit of holding in your hands the complete Book of Mormon....
"In order to help the Book of Mormon become the keystone of your testimony, I offer you a challenge. I recently learned that many young people spend an average of seven hours a day looking at TV, computer, and smartphone screens. With this in mind, would you make a small change? Will you replace some of that daily screen time—particularly that devoted to social media, the internet, gaming, or television—with reading the Book of Mormon? If the studies I referred to are accurate, you could easily find time for daily study of the Book of Mormon even if for only 10 minutes a day. And you can study in a way that allows you to enjoy it and understand it—either on your device or in book form....
"Within the book’s pages, you will discover the infinite love and incomprehensible grace of God. As you strive to follow the teachings you find there, your joy will expand, your understanding will increase, and the answers you seek to the many challenges mortality presents will be opened to you. As you look to the book, you look to the Lord. The Book of Mormon is the revealed word of God." 
- Gary E. Stevenson, "Look to the Book, Look to the Lord," General Conference, October 2016
Click here to read or hear the complete talk

Elder Stevenson reminds us of something we often take for granted—the blessing of possessing the Book of Mormon in its complete state. We have information not just in our hands, but at our fingertips via electronic devices. Are we taking advantage of that sacred gift? In the midst of our many other distractions of our day, Elder Stevenson offers a challenge: spend a little more time reading the Book of Mormon.

The promises Elder Stevenson offers for taking advantage of this gift (reading and following the counsel) are wonderful.

  • you will discover the infinite love and incomprehensible grace of God
  • your joy will expand
  • your understanding will increase
  • the answers you seek to the many challenges mortality presents will be opened to you

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