Friday, June 3, 2016

Richard G. Scott on the power available in the scriptures

Elder Richard G. Scott (1928-2015) served as a Seventy from 1977-1988, when he was called to the Quorum of Twelve Apostles.  He passed away in September 2015 at the age of 86.
"Scriptures are like packets of light that illuminate our minds and give place to guidance and inspiration from on high. They can become the key to open the channel to communion with our Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
"The scriptures provide the strength of authority to our declarations when they are cited correctly. They can become stalwart friends that are not limited by geography or calendar. They are always available when needed. Their use provides a foundation of truth that can be awakened by the Holy Ghost. Learning, pondering, searching, and memorizing scriptures is like filling a filing cabinet with friends, values, and truths that can be called upon anytime, anywhere in the world.
"Great power can come from memorizing scriptures. To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship. It is like discovering a new individual who can help in time of need, give inspiration and comfort, and be a source of motivation for needed change."
- Richard G. Scott, "The Power of Scripture," Ensign, Nov. 2011, pp. 6-8
Click here to read the full talk

Elder Scott had a great love and appreciation for the scriptures, and on several occasions encouraged more regular and thorough study in order to gain the benefits that are available. I like the benefits he describes in this excerpt; scriptures can:

  • be a source of understanding, guidance, and inspiration
  • open doors of communication with God
  • enable us to teach and counsel with authority
  • be loyal and ever-present friends to us
  • provide a foundation that the Holy Ghost can build on
Elder Scott is talking about more than superficial familiarity with the scriptures; when we learn, ponder, search, and even memorize scriptures, it's "like filling a filing cabinet with friends, values, and truths that can be called upon anytime, anywhere in the world." That's a great promise!

And finally, this description of the benefit of memorizing scriptural passages:

What a valuable reminder and challenge to us all, no matter where we are in life, to take greater advantage in our lives of this wonderful gift from God!

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