Friday, April 17, 2015

Thomas S. Monson on the blessings of the temple

President Thomas S. Monson (1927- ) was sustained to the Quorum of Twelve Apostles in 1963.  He served as a counselor in the First Presidency with Presidents Benson, Hunter, and Hinckley until becoming Church president in 2008.
"As I think of temples, my thoughts turn to the many blessings we receive therein. As we enter through the doors of the temple, we leave behind us the distractions and confusion of the world. Inside this sacred sanctuary, we find beauty and order. There is rest for our souls and a respite from the cares of our lives.
"As we attend the temple, there can come to us a dimension of spirituality and a feeling of peace which will transcend any other feeling which could come into the human heart....
"Such peace can permeate any heart—hearts that are troubled, hearts that are burdened down with grief, hearts that feel confusion, hearts that plead for help....
"In our lives we will have temptations; we will have trials and challenges. As we go to the temple, as we remember the covenants we make there, we will be better able to overcome those temptations and to bear our trials. In the temple we can find peace."
- Thomas S. Monson, "Blessings of the Temple," General Conference, April 2015, Sunday morning session
Click here to read the full talk

President Monson is continuing the great work of building temples and teaching about their importance, established by his predecessor, President Gordon B. Hinckley. In the most recent general conference, he shared these beautiful thoughts as part of a talk about the blessings that come from service and worship in the temples.

Among the promised blessings of temple service and worship is the peace that comes to our hearts. President Monson described his own peace after the passing of his lifelong companion Frances. And he invites us to feel that strength and help in our own lives:

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